I recently stumbled upon a simple and really pretty idea that uses synthetic silky fabrics to make hair pieces, pins, really anything that could look better with some flowers on it, I decided to go with bobby pins. Here is the result!
If you really want to know how to make them I suggest going here, She explains it better than I probably could.
First off: find some synthetic silk textured fabrics, it just needs to be able to melt, and not catch on fire. These are the ones I used, scraps that would have gotten thrown away or donated.
Next I cut the fabrics into circles of various sizes, the yellow circles you see is construction paper I used as a guide.
The rest is pretty self-explanatory. cut the fabric so as to make petals, but don't round the edges, the melting will do that. The melting to the best part, but after a while can be painful. A little tea candle gets hotter than I thought... And the red fabric caught on fire quite easily, but I suppose the black edges add something?