Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Melted Flowers

I recently stumbled upon a simple and really pretty idea that uses synthetic silky fabrics to make hair pieces, pins, really anything that could look better with some flowers on it, I decided to go with bobby pins.  Here is the result!

  If you really want to know how to make them I suggest going here, She explains it better than I probably could.
First off: find some synthetic silk textured fabrics, it just needs to be able to melt, and not catch on fire. These are the ones I used, scraps that would have gotten thrown away or donated.

 Next I cut the fabrics into circles of various sizes, the yellow circles you see is construction paper I used as a guide.

 The rest is pretty self-explanatory. cut the fabric so as to make petals, but don't round the edges, the melting will do that.  The melting to the best part, but after a while can be painful. A little tea candle gets hotter than I thought... And the red fabric caught on fire quite easily, but I suppose the black edges add something?


  1. I did one of these on a hair clip for my little sister for Christmas after I read this. Great idea.

  2. Soo...I just remembered that you have a blog! And I will now proceed to comment on almost all of your posts. You're welcome. ;p
    I LOVE this idea! I'm going to have to try it out. I've been really enjoying having my hair all curly (rather than straightened) and pinned back in kind of an old fashioned way, and I'd like to try different hair things like this. :D
    ^Those^ are just so pretty! Especially on you. ;)

  3. Yay!! I love comments :).
    When you make some pleeeease take a picture or let me see! Thanks. :D

  4. Oh good! :D
    I actually made one last night! I was going to wait till today...but I just had to try it right then. :p Sometimes that happens to me where I get this idea or inspiration and I have to do it right away....I can tell I'll be making a lot of these flowers. I'm going to post pictures of the one I made soon...but I was also going to where it tomorrow to smash, so if you cooommee.... ;)

    1. Awesome! I can't come tomorrow.... So you must wear it on a smash day next week, I will be there every day. alright :)?

  5. Ohh...Ok then. I will be sure to do so! :)
