Friday, July 6, 2012

July 1st-6th

Here it is! 6 days worth of pictures. So far I have taken all of the photos on manual settings, and I've made it a goal to keep it that way. 

Sunday I went to a horse farm (which I now volunteer at!) with Kori and Avery, and I cannot for the life of me remember this horses name. I still have yet to ride a horse, but I think that will come pretty soon.

2.5 second exposure on a 12 second timer... It took me a while.

These cupcakes were striped red, white, and blue on the inside. Or actually hot pink, white, and blue. 

I took pictures of the 4th of July 10k my family and some friends ran, then later that night realized I needed a picture for the 4th day, so I picked my favourite and labelled it Summer. Classic picture of my brothers messing with their phones before the race. 
I was going to run the 10k, but a sprained ankle got in the way :|.

There were no fireworks around on the actual holiday, but on Thursday I got to watch them with Emily! 
3.2 second exposure, with no tripod. 

Rosemary focaccia bread for a bake sale tomorrow. 

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